
Tibia wiki offline training
Tibia wiki offline training


It is recommended to use: for sword fighting a knife, for club fighting a crowbar, and for axe fighting a sickle. To not kill the training monster too fast, it is usually better to attack it with a weak weapon and not hit it for blood too often. (Each combat round you spend one combat try and the monsters spend two.)įor one monster the time becomes 15 combat rounds (equal to 30 seconds). This means that when two monsters are hitting you and you are hitting one, you must hit for blood at least every 10 combat rounds (equal to 20 seconds) to use the skill advance for all of your combat tries. Making a blood hit allows you to advance in melee/shielding skill for maximal 30 combat tries. The 16 minutes idle timer only start counting after the training ends.To train your melee skill ( sword, axe, club, or fist), you have to fight a monster or another player and must hit your target for blood, that is making it bleed and lose hitpoints.Įach time you are being hit or hit a target, you spend a combat try, regardless of the success.

  • A character will not be kicked for being idle while training with Exercise Weapons.
  • While training with Exercise Weapons a character can perform some actions, such as chatting in chat Channels, browsing the Quest Log or the Compendium, but may not use any item or cast spells, otherwise the training is stopped.
  • If the exchange rate of Tibia Coins for gold on a world is higher than 10,500 gold per coin, it is more economical to buy these weapons for in-game currency.
  • As for magic level (starting at 1), one Lasting Exercise Wand or Rod would result in 66 magic level for Druid/Sorcerer, or around 22 and 80% magic level for Paladin, or around 8 and 30% magic level for Knight. For a Paladin and his distance fighting (also starting at 15), that would result in a skill of 69 (1 day 4 hours of regular training, 9 and a half days of offline training). If a new character with melee skill of 15 use one Lasting Exercise Weapon, he can get skill of around 66 in just 8 hours (regular training would take 2 and a half days, while offline training with time added to regenerate training stamina would take 9 and a half days). In case of Wand or Rod that would mean manasitting of a Sorcerer or Druid with promotion and double mana regeneration bonus in resting area from 6th streak of daily reward (4mp/2sec).Įxercise Weapons are quite powerfull, especially if our skills are low. Every charge of Wand or Rod equals to 600 burned mana.ġEquivalent in time means time we would have to spend on regular training in order to achieve corresponding number of hits or burned mana. Every charge of Bow weapon equals to 3,6 hit in regular training.

    tibia wiki offline training

    You can perform simulations on the results of using Exercise Weapons in one of TibiaWiki's Calculators.Įvery charge of melee weapon (Sword, Axe or Club) equals to 7,2 hit in regular training. Similarly, using a training weapon with only 50 charges (such as those obtained through the Daily Reward System) takes 1 minute and 40 seconds.Įxercise Weapons can be bought from Magic Shop and Equipment NPCs, as well as Hirelings (the Trader job is not necessary). Since charges are used every 2 seconds, like attack turns, it takes 16 minutes and 40 seconds to completely use an Exercise Weapon with 500 charges.


    For full information of every type of Training/Exercise Weapon, see the table below. So one Exercise Wand or Rod with 500 charges equals to 300.000 burned mana. And as for Wands or Rods, one charge is equivalent of 600 burned mana. Efficiency of Bow is halved, so it's 3,6 hit per charge, which equals to 1800 hits or 1 hour of regular training. So Exercise Weapon with 500 charges equals to 3600 hits, which is a number you would do in 2 hours of regular training.


    Training Weapons are similar to Exercise Weapons but can be obtained for free from the Daily Reward System.Įvery charge of melee weapon (Sword, Axe or Club) equals to 7,2 hit in normal training. In order for a character to train with such weapon, they have to 'use' it on an Exercise Dummy. These weapons can be purchased either in-game for in-game currency (see table below) or in the Store for Tibia Coins. There are exercise weapons for each skill and two types of each for magic level (Rods and Wands). The idea of a new training system was first presented through a Dev Note on September 20, 2017, but it was very different from this system that was actually implemented in the game.


    The Durable and Lasting weapons were added along the Winter Update 2020. Regular Exercise Weapons were added to the game on April 24, 2018.

    tibia wiki offline training

    Exercise Weapons are items that allow one to train their skills.

    Tibia wiki offline training